Baked Spinach Squares

10 oz    spinach

1/2       cup flour

1/2       tsp salt

1/2       tsp baking powder

1           egg (or 2 whites)

1/2      cup milk

1           Tbsp butter, melted

1/2      onion, chopped

1           red pepper, seeded and chopped

1-2      cloves garlic

2-4       slices of bacon, chopped

1/2     cup  shredded parmesan cheese

1.  Preheat oven to 375°F.  Oil 8″x8″ baking dish

2.  Place spinach in saucepan with a splash of water.  Simmer over low heat until spinach is cooked.  Remove from heat; drain any extra water.  Set aside

3.  Saute bacon, red pepper, onion and garlic in a pan over med-heat until veggies are slightly softened and bacon is crisp.

4.  In large bowl mix flour, salt and baking powder.  Stir in egg, milk and butter.  Mix in spinach, veggie mixture and cheese.

5.  Pour into baking dish.  Bake for 30-35 minutes or until cooked through and golden on top.  Let cool before serving.

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